Synagogue Life
Synagogue Life
At Adath Israel, our dedicated and talented congregants lead a wide variety of groups and activities to appeal to the talents and interests of our congregation. There are so many ways to get involved! Please read below for more information about what we have to offer. To get involved, contact the corresponding group leaders or call the Adath Israel office at (610) 934-1919.
ADATH ISRAEL PLAYERS Contact: Lisa Litman or Darlene Cohn.
The Adath Israel Players is a group of creative members of our community dedicated to entertaining others (and ourselves). This collection of artists, actors, painters, builders, and writers work together on a variety of theatrical events that feature adults and children of all ages. We perform at Adath Israel and occasionally at senior centers. Last year, we added an adults-only improv comedy series into our mix. Join us!
The Adult Education committee is an ongoing active group in our congregation. We have monthly meetings to plan Adult Education classes; stand-alone classes, series taught by our Rabbis, Educators, and our annual Scholar in Residence weekend, holiday teachings, and programming in coordination with our religious school. For information on Scholar in Residence, please contact Seyna Able or Roe Miller.
FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (referred to as the Finance Committee)
Vice President and Treasurer: Bob Salvin
Major functions include preparing annual budgets for the operation of the synagogue, working closely with the Executive Director; monitoring the performance of operations versus the budget and reporting to the Board on a routine basis, including an annual report to the Congregation; approving and accepting the annual Accounting Review; making recommendations to the Board concerning dues, assessments and other financial commitments; making recommendations to the Board on fundraising activities; making all investment decisions with respect to the funds of the synagogue subject to Board review; and performing any special/financial studies requested by the President and/or the Board.
The Israel Affairs Committee provides a link between our community at Adath Israel and our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. Our primary goal is to foster a love for Israel by exposing our congregants to Israeli culture. Another goal is to educate our members through speakers and educational programs about the political, social and economic issues confronting Israel. We also represent Adath Israel at community wide and national events featuring Israel.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Contact: The synagogue office at 610-934-1919.
Our Membership Committee reaches out to potential members and welcomes new members in person to ensure that they feel the warmth of our shul. If you are interested in helping us grow and prosper as a community, please feel free to contact our membership committee.
MEN’S CLUB Contact: Steve Marx and Rob Zipkin
The Adath Israel Men’s Club presents many ways to serve the synagogue while having fun and making social connections. Regular Club-sponsored Sunday brunches, including an annual Kristallnacht remembrance and Chanukah latke brunch, feature interesting speakers and offer aspiring chefs the chance to get busy in the kitchen preparing delicious food for the whole congregation to enjoy. Other opportunities to get involved with Men’s Club include participation in our annual Men’s Club Shabbat; attendance at the Seymour Barlas dinner each May; and, outside the synagogue, getting exercise with our softball and cycling. In addition, each year, the Club selects a Man of the Year who is honored at an event with the Philadelphia area’s other Men’s Clubs.
RITUAL COMMITTEE Contact: Mitchell Shore
The Ritual Committee, a diverse group that is representative of the congregation, works closely with our clergy to review the congregation’s spiritual needs as well as religious programs and services, including Shabbat, daily minyanim, and holiday observances. Members work with the clergy to recommend policy, manage procedures, discuss questions of Halacha, educate, encourage participation, and work to involve our members and youth in the religious life of Adath Israel and the community. We welcome any new members joining the committee.
SHABBAT THEMED DINNER COMMITTEE Contact: Lenore Asbel, Alyse Unterberger
There are many ways to explore and connect with the different communities of Jews around the world. One way we do so at Adath Israel is through learning about the food and culture of these communities.
Each year, we celebrate the food of a different Jewish community by preparing a Shabbat dinner with foods traditional to that part of the world. A committee of volunteers - that changes each time - comes together for a few afternoons and evenings to cook here at the synagogue. We laugh a lot, make new friends, and bond over food! So far, we have created and prepared dinners traditional to the Jews of Italy, Morocco, India, and Persia. We also prepare a brief teaching about the food and culture of that community so we can all learn together. For foodies and those who love to cook, this is a great way to connect to Adath Israel and its members while enjoying some really delicious food and a warm and engaging Shabbat experience.
SHARON & TED ASNIS JUDAICA SHOP Contact: Randi Grauman, Nancy Lefkoe
Our gift shop carries an extensive selection of beautiful and unique religious and secular items and kosher wines and candies. Can’t get to Israel? You can support Israel every day – check out our wide selection of Israeli crafts and vendors. All of the profits we make help to support the synagogue. We value our loyal group of volunteers who keep our shop staffed all year. Please be in touch if you have a few hours each week to come and work with us.
SISTERHOOD Contact: Rachel Kinney or call the synagogue office at 610-934-1919.
The Adath Israel Sisterhood, affiliated with the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, brings together women of our congregation for mitzvot, spiritual growth, learning, and activities. Our mission is to connect our congregation’s multiple generations of women to the synagogue through a variety of programs and volunteer opportunities including Sharon & Ted Asnis Judaica Shop Volunteers (see above), college outreach, Sisterhood Shabbat, theatre and cultural trips, social action, the Torah Fund, and Rosh Chodesh discussions hosted in member’s homes.
Tikkun Adamah Committee Contact: Scott Beadenkopf
Are you passionate about environmental sustainability? Do you want to help plan events like the Tu B'Shvat seder, recycling projects, and more? The Tikkun Adamah Committee is working to make Adath Israel and our community more environmentally-friendly. Between their weekly eco-tips sent out in our e-news, their annual Tu B'Shvat Seder, and other programs/initiatives throughout the year, the Tikkun Adamah Commitee is always busy making Adath Israel a better place.
Mon, January 20 2025
20 Tevet 5785
Today's Calendar
MLK Day |
Morning Services : 7:15am |
Evening Services : 6:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Jan 21 Grief Reading and Support Group with Dan Stein Tuesday, Jan 21 7:00pm |
Jan 22 Group Parent Coaching Workshop - Tweens, Teens & Screens Wednesday, Jan 22 5:00pm |
Jan 23 New Baby Group Registration 2025 Thursday, Jan 23 10:00am |
Jan 24 Caregiver Support for Neurodivergent Youth Friday, Jan 24 8:45am |
Jan 24 Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner Friday, Jan 24 7:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vaera
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 24, 4:52pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 25, 5:54pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
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