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Life Cycle Events

At Adath Israel, we take great pride in per­son­al­iz­ing each life cycle event.

Baby nam­ings are offered to members and their families.  Our nam­ings  gen­er­ally take place at our Sat­ur­day morn­ing services or other times when the Torah is read. Each fam­ily receives a beau­ti­ful cer­tifi­cate with their child’s Hebrew name, and the baby receives his or her own T-shirt that reads, “I was named at Adath Israel.”  The Rabbis like to meet per­son­ally with each fam­ily in order to per­son­al­ize the nam­ing ceremony.

In Judaism, our boys and girls become adults at the age of 13. To cel­e­brate their new respon­si­bil­i­ties to God and community, we offer a mean­ing­ful Bar/Bat Mitz­vah ser­vice. After years study­ing in reli­gious school or Jewish day school, our youth begin pri­vate tuto­r­ial sessions. With gen­tle­ness and love of Torah, tutors guide the stu­dents to learn their Torah and Haftarah portions. Rabbi Yanoff and Rabbi Markowitz per­son­ally meet with our stu­dents and par­ents to learn about the Torah por­tion, to draft a D’var Torah (speech), to review hon­ors within the ser­vice, to con­duct a full rehearsal, and to further get to know each and every stu­dent. The actual ser­vice is led by our Bar or Bat Mitz­vah accom­pa­nied by music along with our Rabbis.

Weddings are always very joy­ous at our syn­a­gogue. Our Rabbis con­duct beau­ti­ful wed­dings that reflect the unique­ness of each and every cou­ple. We have a beau­ti­ful sanc­tu­ary with stained glass win­dows that makes for a won­der­ful setting.

In times of loss and during Shiva, our Rabbis and mem­bers of our syn­a­gogue com­mu­nity come together to sup­port our fam­i­lies. Our Rabbis pro­vide pas­toral coun­sel­ing and sup­port to our mem­bers and con­duct a ser­vice that is always a lov­ing trib­ute to the deceased. Mem­bers of our syn­a­gogue are ready to assist the aggrieved with Shiva set up and needs.

At Adath Israel, we take pride in sup­port­ing one another in times of loss and cel­e­brat­ing together in times of joy.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785