Avoid Scams
How to Protect Yourself from Email Scams
As people are going through these trying times, SCAMMERS are taking advantage – posing as clergy, staff, and people you know asking for help. KNOW THAT ADATH ISRAEL (AND OUR LEADERSHIP) WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOU TO BUY GIFT CARDS OR SEND MONEY IN AN EMAIL. We only encourage donations sent directly to the office or contributed via our adathisrael.org website.
We encourage you to double-check with us if you are unsure of a request.
Please read below to familiarize yourself with how these scams work and how to protect yourself!
More questions? Contact info@adathisrael.org.
How these scams work, what to watch for and how to thwart them.
These are phishing scams. Members and friends of our community have been seeing and receiving multiple phishing emails, that seem to be from rabbis, executive directors, and staff from various congregations. While we cannot stop them from coming into our inboxes, we can control how we react to them to protect ourselves and hopefully discourage the scammers from continuing to target our communities.
How it works:
One of the most successful phishing scams involves a boss, clergy person, coworker, or friend asking you to go out & buy gift cards. It uses clever social engineering, not advanced technology. Here's how you can spot & avoid the "gift card" scam.
Ask yourself: if your boss/rabbi/friend wanted to give out gift cards, how would they order those gift cards? Would they send you an email asking you to rush out and buy some, and then ask you to scratch off the backs and email the codes?
Probably not. Yet this exact scenario has become a prolific, and unusually successful, email phishing scam.
The scam goes like this:
You receive a ‘plain text’ email. The email appears to come from someone they are familiar with.
In the email, the sender asks you to buy some gift cards. Note: sometimes they try to get your attention first - with things like "I need urgent help with something today" or "Can you do something for me" or something similar. If you reply, it leads to asking for help in buying gift cards.
Once you tell them you've bought the gift cards, the email asks you to scratch off the gift card backings to display the unique PIN codes and email those codes back to them.
The scammer takes the code, cashes out the gift card in minutes, and vanishes.
This scam has made the rounds since mid-2018. That cybercriminals still use it means it still works. They have ramped up the scam in the time of COVID-19 - counting on our goodwill for each other to help them succeed!
As scams go, this one's clever. How does it work so well?
- It uses a "display-name spoof" – putting a real person's name in the "From" field. (Often either the name or subject is in all CAPS - which is a clue to look for!)
- The text of the email reads like the person actually wrote it. We can spot terrible grammar a mile away. Normal grammar, however, that doesn't ring alarm bells.
- Sometimes the scam uses a time limit, e.g. "Can you do this before end of day?" This creates a sense of urgency, which compels action with little time to think.
Defeating the scam is simple.
- First, hit Reply to the email and check the return email address for the "request." Chances are it's not your boss/rabbi/coworker or friend's email address. Delete that email (do NOT send it).
- Next, send a separate email to that person asking if they sent the first message. Chances are they didn't. (Or call them, or call us at 610-934-1919.
That's all. One email (or call) and one check, and you avoid a scam that could cost hundreds or thousands of dollars!
We do not know if responding compromises your account in any way - so it's best to not engage with the senders at all if possible. If you are not sure, follow step 2 above and you will never need to worry!
Sample Scam E-mails
Subject: Request...
I need you to do a chore to purchase Google Play gift cards from Target / Acme or any other nearby store. Let me know when you receive this email for the amount and denominations you are to purchase then look forward to my response.
Director Name,
Director.Sent from my iPhone
Sample 2
Jane, could you please email me back? I need a favor.
Sample 3
Sally, are you available at the moment? I need you to handle a project. Very busy at the moment. Can't talk. Just send an email when you receive this. Thanks.
Sample 4
I need you to pick up three Lowes gift cards for our project.
Sample 5
Good to hear from you. I need to get three iTunes gift cards for my niece. It's her birthday but I can't do this now because I'm currently traveling. Can you get them for me from any store around you? I'll pay back next week when I get back home.
Sample 6
Sitting in a meeting right now, there is something i need you to do. Let me know when you are available.
Sample 7
Hello, are you available? Please i need your assistance urgently.
Sample 8
Okay thanks, I was hoping you could help me get some amazon gift cards from
the store, I will reimburse you when I’m done with my conference, I need to
send it to someone now and it is very important because it’s one of my best
friend kid birthday and I fear I may not get it on time myself if I decide
to wait it out.
Sample 9
Subject:Are you available?
Are you available ? I need you to handle something for me now, i'm currently in a meeting with limited phone call and also experiencing some difficulties at the moment, just reply my e-mail if you are available.Thanks
Sample 10
I need you to personally run a task for me ASAP as I am occupied in a meeting at the moment and can't talk but will lookout for your reply and let me know if you can get this done right now.
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Morning Services : 7:30am |
Evening Services : 6:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 26 Mental Health & Addiction in Jewish Understanding Wednesday, Mar 26 7:15pm |
Mar 27 Adult Ed with Rabbi Markowitz Thursday, Mar 27 7:00pm |
Apr 2 Lunch and Learn Wednesday, Apr 2 12:30pm |
Apr 2 Mental Health & Addiction in Jewish Understanding Wednesday, Apr 2 7:15pm |
Apr 3 Freedom Seder Thursday, Apr 3 6:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:03pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:04pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
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